Back from Hong Kong
I am back! And boy, how much I miss home.Summary of Macau Trip

Macau is really a place with a lot of history, it is written in every street and buildings, and of course in all the travel brochure. And it is a 1st Portugese colonial I have visited. The street names and all are all so foreign, I can only make out the alaphabets but not the words :-p So we basically remember the buildings and landmarks and find our way around. Find that food here is much nicer and cheaper than HK and one thing is definite, the air is MUCH MUCH cleaner than HK.
Summary of HK Trip

It is too commericalised. Air pollution caused the country to be enveloped by 'haze', and the local has a nice name for it, 'yan xia'. Well, to me, it is not a good thing at all, and the funny thing is there is a TV advert blaming the air pollution entirely to smoking. Even when we went all the way to the Lantau Island and the peak, the polluted air could be seen everywhere.
Shopping is plentiful till don't know what to buy, and no $$$ to buy too. Cause the food and transportation in HK is so expensive. The houses there are really like those back home, except it is very cram and packed. All of them have lock outside the staircase and lift, which I thought is a pretty good idea to keep the outsiders at bay.
Didn't really enjoy myself, as the days go by, my appetite goes down, think it is the food and the pollution, really looking forward going home
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Sob Sob.... Why the haze????? Just came out of one polluted place to another. :-(
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