Divorce Rate Going UP!!!
Saw this heading in the ST today, and was interesting to note the reasons why couples spilt. Seems like time is a factor. Maybe marriage is really a equation, porbability of divorce is inveresly porportional to the length of days of courtship. The longer the courtship days, the lower the rate of divorce.
Chance upon an article regarding one spouse is veg and the other is not,
, seems like only relevant to me. But it did link to the article. If it is not handle properly, maybe it will be one of the reason adding to divorce.
As technology move on, people also move on, more and more reasons for divorce.
Don't worry, JY and I are okie. Jus want to comment sth on this topic, since I chanced upon two articles in the same day.
And I am SICK!!!! Gastric problem! :-(
Getting Forgetful
Oh no, is it me or is it the stress? Getting more and more forgetful. I can even forget to bring home keys out. Then I waited for Dar till 8pm to get home to open the door for me. How I wish then, I could stay just a stone throw away from mummy.
It is mid of feb now. Valentine's day has past, the next holiday is actually around 40 days away, in April :-(
I had a wishful thought today, will singapore have heavy snow, till it is not safe to go to work? I guess it is monday blues.
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine day to all! Had an unhappy work day, but the candlelight dinner make up for all. We had a simple 3 course dinner: soup, appeitizer and main course.
Romatic candlelight:

The delicious maincourse:

Cheers to our 1st Valentine's day together as husband and wife.

Guess where we were????
Home! Cheap and good meal :-)

Hope you have enjoyed your valentine's day too.
End of CNY
CNY gone!!! :-( Well, nothing much to missed, except my television programmes. I have no time for myself, throughout the 15 days, other than welcoming friends to my place, going to relatives' and friends' places, and work of course, I didn't even have time to sit down and enjoy the show.
How glad that CNY is over. Now I can really start to put away the decorations and start feasting on the snacks. Not that I want to eat them, but they will spoilt if I do not finish them before the expiry date. :-)
Well, that will mean more exercise too. Okie. Time to get my butt off the sofa and go exercising. Well, start next week lah, this week need to clean the house :-p
Chinese New Year comes and by now, it is the mid-week. Yesterday was ren-ri, which means everybody's birthday. JY and I have invited his colleagues to our place for a yu-sheng lunch. And a chance to try out new buy, swiss cheese foundue.
Bascially, all the local (especially the chinese) colleagues couldn't make it, as they have their own plans. So it was a lunch for the non-chinese and foreigners. And for most, it is their 1st time having yu-sheng and celebrating CNY. Quite a fun and enjoyable lunch. And not to mention the cheese foundue, it is nice, but the alcohol content is too strong, not to my liking. Well, at least this is the 1st time, I did all the cooking for the gathering, with little help from JY. :-)
In the evening, went to Aunt Evelyn place for another yu-sheng. We got a bit lost in pasir ris, as the bus route are so confusing. Well, we just made it in time for the last toss of yu-sheng for the day. We had 2 yu-sheng, one for the adults, and one for the younger generation, that's us :-)
After the toss and merry, we proceed to Nora's place for a traditional 'hakka lei cha' (vegetarian ones of course), prepared by Mum. Yummy. Wonder why mummy don't like it. Heard that it will help to cleanse the digestive system. Just in time, after one whole day of stuffing.
Lunar New Year at Chalet
Spent the 1st day of CNY at relatives' place then went to Chalet after that a day out at Wild Wild Wet, and what follows it was a two days MC :-( But it is a good start. Heard good news that one of my colleague (one who is on better terms with me) is getting married :-) Must start saving up already.
Hope the year 2006 will be like this aeroplane kite, soaring in the sky for everybody:

The chefs of the day:

Yummy Yummy:

Baby Cass first trip to the beach:

A beautiful sunset to end the day: