Poor me
Helloooooo.... Not that JY and I are missing in action, but really very busy with work. It conincides with JY's company function, got plenty of talks and seminars to go to, so often work late. As for me, well, still busy managing the stupid b****** in the office. Pardon my language, but I have never ever seen or heard of management staff bully clerical staff to top up $$$ when they are earning much much more......
*sigh* Hope all goes well for all of u.... It is happy long weekend for all of us :-)
Trip to Desaru
Well, the boat is our transport. So funny, it is about 30mins ride from Changi Jetty, and the customs there got opening hours. Being in the city and with the 24/7 services, make me wonder how can they afford to have opening hours???? Or perhaps the traffic is reducing...
The view of Tanah Merah jetty from the boat

The resort is okie, with little crowd. :-) And I realised that there is no chinese working in the resort. Mostly Malays and Indians. Well, at least I have my fair share of curry and will not be having curry for the rest of the week.
The view of the beach from the resort:

And as we travelled with the Vegetarian Society, they have arranged some programmes, and my favourite is the moon and star gazing. Here's a shot of the moon using the telescope... Nice right? But where is the rabbit?
A plain week
This weeek was just plain, nothing exciting. Except well, I hardly work for the whole week :-p
Monday, I was on leave, to enjoy a long weekend to myself.
Tuesday - Worked :-(
Wednesday - Company's big day, so spent half a day after lunch favouring the goodies and enjoy the pampers. Hope I didn't put on weight :-p
Thursday - Boss on leave, so a bit relaxing.....
Friday - Boss still on leave, so a nice lunch at Orchard :-)
Saturday - Home bound day :-) To spend time with JY.
Sunday - Going to be home-bound day too. To spend time with mummy.
See.... nothing exciting wat.....
But it is APRIL..... The best month of the year :-)