Thanks for all the well wishes
To all my friends, thanks for all the well wishes :-) I am fine, jus need a bit more food to recuperate.
Yup, and today I am back at work :-) A bit not used to it, but well, I can't be forever on MC, right.
Oki, back to work.......
Labels: Daily Updates, Personal Life
Dengue Episode
9th Aug is Sigapore's 42nd National Day, almost the entire nation is out there celebrating and merrying. But I am lying on my bed for the whole day, without a drop of food, cause I am down with a 38.7 degree C fever :-(
The Dr thinks it is just some viral infection, and gave me some antibiotics and MC to rest at home. It is a really horrible period, with no appipete and a persistent fever. Who's knows the worst has yet to come....
13th Aug - I developed rashes, and JY rushed me to TTSH A&E. And it was confirmed. My platelets number is dwindling, I got dengue!!!!!! What's follows is NO antibiotics and more vitamins and minerals. With my four limbs red and swollen like trotters, it is really terrible.....
16th Aug - Went to CDC to check up, my platelets number has increased but will not be back to normal. So DR discharged me, and I got to be carefull for my whole life, not to be bitten again. If not, I won't be so lucky the 2nd time.
So that's y I disappearred for soooooo long, and no updates, hibernating to recover. And I have not been working :( Think work is so much more simpler than falling sick..... I rather be working.......
Labels: Daily Updates, Personal Life
Birthday Celebration
A colleague initiated a birthday celebration for the boss, and jus nice, Secret Recipe is having 42% off. These are the 2 cakes:

Labels: Worklife