Friday, July 29, 2005


Seems like a long time since I updated my blog... So sorry, busy (Well, sort of) and also lazy to come online... U know, got to switch on the LAN then the laptop. Well, quite an eventful week. Equal mixture of good and bad experiences.

Well, let's focus on the happier moments, I got into the 2nd interview, but they never call me after that. Guess I flop it again. On seond thoughts, at least I went into 2nd interview right?

As for my wedding preparations, well, it is every eventful! A mixture of happy and frustrated moments. Well, guess the journey is never smooth riding. At times, I wonder why do I bother to have a wedding dinner. To please the older generation but at the expense of my youth, my time, my money and JY's ones too.*Sigh*

Enough said before this blog becomes too groomy.

Have a nice day to all my friends, and take care!
