Friday, August 05, 2005

Spooky Lunar 7th Month

Oh my. How I wish Lunar 7th Month will be over soon ( I mean very very soon). It is such a torture! I am working in a Hospital now, and every now and then, there will be colleagues telling spooky tales (which are supposed to be true) and how the nurses can vouch for it.

It seems that most people believe in them. My team of 8 staff, have told me on Friday (5 Aug, 1st day of Lunar 7th Month) that they will not work OT for the whole of the 7th month. Well, my team is actually a 'mini singapore', there is a mixture of Indians, Malays and Chinese. The spooky tales have embedded into their minds, regardless of race.

Personally, I have a small encounter (hopefully it is the only one). I worked late today, as meetings took up the whole day, so only worked at night to clear the work. In my section, there are night staff to take over the duties from those in the day, who usually start work from 8pm. As I was working at around 7pm, I was the only one in office as all have left. I heard the main door opened. Thinking it was the night staff, (my seat couldn't see the main door) I shouted 'Hello, who's so early to report to work'. The moment I shouted, the main door was slammed! I jumped up and dashed towards the door, but couldn't see anybody at sight. As it is after 6pm, public cannot come in, and it is a friday somemore, only a few staff stayed behind, but till date, I haven't found anyone who entered my office.

Don't want to think about it, so I quickly packed and dashed out of office. I will support my team's decision and resolve NOT to do OT during the 7th Month.


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