Lunch at Swenden with Baby Cass
Well, needn't to say much, I think her expression tells all:
Happy Cass eating biscuits:

Happy to find a green doggie balloon:
Dad is coming :)
Dad is flying in today, and we are going to Changi Airport to meet him. After 20 plus years in Singapore, I didn't realise that there is a man-made water fall in Terminal 2:
Winter's pancake
Well, well, maybe next time I can set up a stall selling pancake? This is what I prepared for JY for his breakfast. And it was really tasty:
Long Holidays
Wow wow... finally, the holidays are here.... Been watiting a long time for it. Jus went home to have lunch with daddy. Missed my mummy's cooking, but she is working, so can't cook for me :-( Never mind, just have to tolerate daddy's wet chicken rice :p
Seems like everyone have plans for the holidays, well, mine is pretty full too. Esepcially 1 Nov, where there is birthdy parties and house warming. Yes, Baby Cass's is finally turning one, will try to take more photos of her, so can post it on the website.
ex-gong gong and ex-po po, firstly, got to thank ex-gong gong for visiting my blog, since mentioning you only ONCE in the blog made u so excited, I decided to mention u MORE. Hope your heart can take it :p And secondly, thanks for invitating me to your house-warming. Will definetly go, miss u guy and gals soooooooo much.
Oh, and the tv programme in Starhub movie is starting soon, sorry, as a self proclaimed tv programme addict, I got to watch it.
Have a nice weekends to those I have not seen, but which I care for. *smuck*
Pics with my new camera :)
My darling first photo with MY CAMERA;

Mumm and Vic came over, and she brought along home made rojak saue. So my darling cut all the ingredients and prepared veg rojak;

Yummy.... as we had very late lunch, this is just nice for a dinner
The taste is simply heavenly.

Thank you mum for the wonderful sauce, and of course must thank my darling for all the hard work :)
Time to sleep now Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Starhub Cable TV
Today is really a busy day :) We have just installed the starhub cable tv yesterday, yippe!!! 3 cheers for my darling. Actually it is because of a free gift hehehehe... yup and it is a camera. 5.1 megapixel and it is small and light :) And of course, it will be mine, since JY has his professional one.
And of course, that's not what we were occupied with. Did a whole day of marketing, and went to collect the camera. And of course, spent the rest of the evening playing with my new toy. And we went to Carrefour to do more marketing. Wow.... living on our own, is really expensive.
Had a surprise talk with my team leader. I was a bit taken back when she told me that she is not close to anyone in the dept, and in fact all of them are jus wearing a mask. Hmmm.... wonder, given my character, will I be able to wear a mask too? Or will I just be myself.
Maybe this is office politics.
Wedding Photos (5)
The pretty receptionists (but our dear rabbit looked bored):
Wedding Photos (4)
The decorations:
Wedding Photos (3)
Sleepy Cass and me:
Wedding Photos (2)
Victims of the Sabos:
Wedding Day Photos (1)
The items of sabo:
Wedding Day Photos
Well, my photos are ready, however, there is some problems with the website, so here's are some of the photos:
The mastermind of the sabos:
Saturday Finally!!!
Well, settling down with my new lease of life, sort of, I guess. Still not very used to sharing a blanket with JY :( Oh boy, finally Saturday arrives. And also the elder sis, nonie, from Brunei. House is a bit neater and cleaner, but still haven't finished packing :( Very feel like taking leave and stay at home and unpack stuff, but not many leave to start with, so got to work 'OT' lah.
Seems like with the recent Bali Bombing, my honeymoon plan to go there or some resorts will vanish, as calls from parents have well, advised us not to go anywhere. Well, so that's it! Will be staying in Singapore till end of this year. Hmmmmmm... Saving hard to go NZ next mar/apr :) Keeping my fingers crossed in the meantime.....
You Peng Zi Yuan Fang Lai
Oh my! I only got to know yesterday that JY's elder sister is flying in tommorrow.... Oh no.... will I have enough time to clear up the mess and dirt? Oh no, must clear the fridge too *the food not nice enough for her to eat* And oh my, did I change the bed sheets?
It is a good thing she is coming, cause with presents (for the house) and of course, chit chat to catch up with her. Or maybe it is just me. Freaking over the cleaniness and the quality of food. But I have to admit I am still hopeless in cooking vegetarian food. Hopefully she won't remember to open the fridge :p
Until then, continue my cleaning now, and I think I haven't bought any Shampoo for her yet.
The Myth
Managed to catch the movie 'The Myth' with JY and his sister and brother-in-law. :-) It has been a good one year since the two of them went for a movie, since now there is this little Cass (you may find her blog at the side, she's a dearie)bothering them. Well, it is a nice double date, especially if the brother-in-law is driving us around :)
The movie is basically a typical Jackie Chan's movie, with a lot of action and funny stuff during the actions. What surprises me is that the Bollywood star has only 5 to 10 mins of appearance. Another surprise is that 20% of the movie is in cantonese, 2% in Tamil, 10% in English, 1% in Korean and the rest in Chinese. Guess it is a movie to break into the different markets in different countries?
If you are catching the movie, please stay back to watch the NGs. Very very funny.... If anyone who is ashmaed of their chinese, just listen to the NGs and you will be very glad that you are better than them :p Sher, your Chinese standard is much much better than theirs, honestly!
Yawn... Time to sleep now... Night Night! Oh ya, happy Children Day.