Office Politics
Wonder how the things in office got twisted.... Now I still can't believe it. That woman left!!!!! It is considered a 'promotion' for her, but she has quitted and moved on.... Funny how things turn out to be, got promoted less than a year and then walked out of the workplace totally.
A twist of life, I guess. Or should I said that it is sunshine after the rain? :-) Whatever it is, I am very happy!!!!! At least now only got the incompetent manager to manage with..... :-p
And oh yes, watched the movie, Over the Hedge, on Saturday. Very funny and relaxing movie. Had such a great laugh, which is so destressing.
*Yawn* Going to sleep now, cause a bit tired from the swimming this morning. Well, got to stay in shape.
John Little Sales ....
Ho Ho Ho... It is not Christmas yet, but yesterday, John Little had a preview sales... Oh don't worry JY, I was accompanying our dear Rabbit for a shopping spree... :-p Though I did bought a few items. The bedsheets were soooooooooo cute and the pooh bag, I think it will be a nice gift for Shuhui's baby in this coming October. Well, it is still early, but no harm starting right?
Well, guess that's me. Finding reason to shop... Who needs a reason? It is on sales! And Great Singapore Sale is coming..... Must clear away the old stuff to make space for new ones. But hey, what do I NEED to buy????
Eversince we bought the place, we have 3 cupboards for clothes, and one store-room (aka bomb shelther) for the miscellanous stuff. And for kitchen electronics applicances, we have one bbq plate cum steamboat, sandwich maker, waffle maker, noodle maker, soya bean maker, 3-in-1 blender, slow cooker and electric mixer.
And I am still eyeing at the vacuum magic cooker, well, it works like this, all you have to do is to boil the soup, and put it in the vacuum cooker, then when u come back from work, the soup will be just nice and warm. No electricity and no gas needed. See can save a lot of $$$ in the long run, since I love to cook soup. But JY say NO! We do not NEED another kitchen applicances. Well, true, taking stock, seems like I hardly use most of them, at most once a month.
To make myself feel better, today I woke up earlier to make soya bean drink. (See, I am using the kitchen applicance). To reduce wastage, I even cooked soya bean congee for lunch :-) Innovative right?
Well, seems like there is nothing much for me to buy in the comming Sales, so don't ask me out for the GSS okie? Well, even if you do, remind me not to buy anything, cause I don't need to buy anything more for the home. But for the vacuum magic cooker, perhaps I will seriously consider buying it. It is savings in the long term, right?
Meeting Ends
Are people working for the money or for interest? How many people in the world are doing jobs of their interest? And how many are not? No prize for guessing who's the majority.
Things happened in office and looking at friends around me, sometimes can't help but feel a bit depressed with the situation. Perhaps I am not 'cruel' enough or perhaps I am not 'unfeeling' or 'cunning' enough. Sometimes, really feel like giving the two b***** a good tight slap and ask them to shut up and mind their own business. Or leave me alone.
Woking is it really a necessasity?
Now I am just sitting back and enjoying my long weekend. Not bothering to think about all this. Jus emptying my mind and enjoy my weekends.
Picnic on Sat
Well, it is a nice day to go picnic on sat, the sky is sooooo clear, with a nice 'dragon-shaped' cloud, according to JY.

And the place to have picnic, is all the way in the east and very very ulu.... Changi Beach.

And my dear Baby Cass was sleeping sweetly in the 6-men tent, away from all mosquitoes, and can you spot the fan?

And fowl we saw at the bus stop. Well, at least it didn't end up in the dinning table.