Clarification on Sydney
I think there is a bit of confusion. I didn't go on holidays recently. I lent my camera to my friend, who went to Sydney, so the photos are in my camera, then I really like these few photos, so I uploaded it.
Sorry for the confusion.
Dim Sum
Well, it is a long time since the whole extended family have a family outing. All 24 of us (not full strength yet), going for a meal of dim sum. Imagine, squeezing 12 people per table. But it was fun. It is just like the clock has turned back, and back to the younger days.
Well, one difference though, now we have to pay. The elders just eat, the junoirs just order, and we the young adults pick the tab.
But it is worth it. :-)
Here's some nice photos of Sydney which I must share:
A nice sunset:

A giant clock within the shopping area:

This is a minautre of the megastructure introduced in discovery, the one in Japan, which link a off-shore island to the main island.

Well, this need no introduction:
Sick Again
*sigh* I am sick again!!!! Throat infection :-(
Oh, got interesting news from my dear friend.... Can't wait for her to feed me with more details :-)
And my neice, she is so smart. She knows that everytime, mum and dad brings her to the hospital, where I worked, I will appear. So last week, when mum and dad brought her there. The moment she recognised that it the place I worked, she shouted for me everywhere she goes. A pity I was busy that day, couldn't meet them.
And work is still ....... with a new AM, hopefully life will get better.
Great Singapore Sale
yooooo hoooooooo..... Went shopping yesterday! Actually not reallly shopping, just browsing around, and didn't really buy much. The big buyer is Rabbit.... I finally have some time to shop around during the 1st few days of the GSS. Every year, it is also last minute shopping spree during the last week of GSS. Now at least more sizes and variety for me to choose....:-)
And I have to confess, I am not helping with Rabbit's diet. Cause I ate ice cream with her yesterday, and not ordinary ice cream, but Ben & Jerry!!! Yum Yum...
And we even got time to drop by the world book fair, where there is a man with a python. Didn't buy anything from the book fair, as I couldn't find the books I want.
Now I am typing this blog using my 29 inch TV, cause my study room PC is donw, don't know why? Hopefully JY can find out the reason, if not all my data will be gone :-(
Anyway, feel very productive today, cleaned the whole house and wash all the clothings all in the morning :-) Okie, this sounded a bit auntie. I am going to catch my show now.