I am now very confused...... Mixed feelings..... I have chose the change, so must move on or am I the one who chose it? Or is it somebody out there who compel me to choose it? Jus like how I MUST change to the google one to log into blogger :-( Do I really have control of my life? Or do I walk the path which fate brings along?
Life is full of changes, and we must always look forward....... Forward looking, it shall be.......
Labels: My thought for today
A nice start
Wow..... Finally yesterday was the last day out of that place :-) Very happy! Today I woke up at 6am to jog :-) Time to lose the weight which I have gained. Was looking at the 2006 photos, realised I put on a lot of weight :-(
I went to the market too, yup, to do marketing :-) Got to cook a nice dinner for JY, if not, not justifiable for my break :-)
Cheers everyone, for my new job, for my new life and hopefully for a new me.
27 Jan 2007 : Best Friend Wedding
Finally, my best friend ended her eight years of courtship and proceed with marriage life :-) Attended her wedding, and JY has the best vegetarian meal ever:
The nice set up with DIY name tag:

1st dish: Dim Sum for me :-)

1st Vegetarian Dish : Vegetarian Combination Plate

2nd Veg Dish : Pumpkin Soup

3rd Veg Dish : Deep fried Skwed Button Mushroom with organe sauce

4th Veg Dish : Braised 'Lo Han Zhai'

5th Veg Dish : Veg Prawns
3 Jan 2007 : A turning point of my life
On 3 Jan 2007, 5.30pm, my colleague and I did something, which we have been planning for ages, and prayed for. We walked up to the board room, where the manager was having meeting, and tendered our resignations to her personnaly.
Yipeee.... I am Free!!!! 2007 is going to be a nice good year, because I am going back to education sector, not as a teacher, but admin. This 1 year and 8 months of torment in Health Care sector is enough! No longer am I going to be under that stupid b##$@@ and no way is that stupid cc going to boss his way around me.
I felt so light and happy after that. Though the manager was very SHOCKED to c 2 of us tendered at the same time. Her only response was TWO??? And a nod, that's it.
Life is going to be beautiful :-)
1 Jan 2007 : Sentosa
No price for guesing the transportation we took to Sentosa:

A bird's eye view of Sentosa:

Underwater world:

Feeding of the rays, that's the purpose why we were there:

And giant crabs :-p
31 Dec 2007: Bugis shopping
A Christmas Tree , full of diamonds, a perfect 2007 goal for us ladies, which of course include Baby Cass:

Lunch at Steches, that pretty, cute brown cat bag is MINE :-)
Long time no blog
Hello, long time never blog, like some 6 weeks. Well, all is well and fine for JY and me, just that the transition from 2006 to 2007 is a ..... once in a year thing: I have never spent so much time with JY within a week in a year :-p
31 Dec 2007: Bugis shopping, with errrr.... Baby Cass, who is already 2, and a bit heavy to carry.
1 Jan 2007 : Sentosa Underwater world, again with Baby Cass.
2 Jan 2007 : Tim Sum at Chinatown, with my family :-)
5 Jan 2007 : JY's colleagues gathering